Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Romanov Family: An Example for Our Time

I had the great blessing to be featured on Ancient Faith Radio's program "Everyday Orthodox" this past Sunday night! Each episode of the show is an hour-long interview with an "everyday Orthodox person." I had so much fun being interviewed (even though I admittedly was so nervous beforehand and definitely consider myself to be more of a writer than a speaker!). I so appreciate host Elissa Bjeletich inviting me onto the show! My episode, and all previous episodes, are available in podcast form at
I've been going back and listening to earlier episodes, and I found one in particular that I want to talk about here. My main point is to say, "Go listen to the episode!" But, I thought I would offer some commentary here as to why I recommend it, and hopefully encourage you to listen by doing so!
On February 9th of this year, Elissa interviewed a scholar named Nick Nicholson. In an unusual turn of events, the program was not mostly about Nick himself, but rather about a famous family: the Romanov Royal Martyrs, the last Russian tsar and his wife and children. Nick was a consultant in the production of a new book called The Romanov Royal Martyrs: What Silence Could Not Conceal, and he came on "Everyday Orthodox" to talk about what the book has revealed about the Russian royal family. According to the official description of the book, it "draws on letters, testimonies, diaries, memoirs, and other texts never before published in English to present a unique biography of Tsar Nicholas II and his family. The work aims to present the Royal Martyrs through the prism of their spiritual grandeur and the purity of their souls. A lively portrait of the royal family emerges from their own personal writings and in the writings of those who lived very close to them" (from the product page at Eighth Day Books' website,
Several points struck me as I listened to this episode. Right now, many in the U.S. and around the world are required to stay home with their families to stop the spread of the novel corona virus. As a result, many families have an unusual opportunity to spend more time strengthening their relationships and praying together. Toward the end of their lives, the Romanov family was confined to house arrest together at the hands of the Bolshevik government. But even from the beginning of Nicholas and Alexandra's marriage, the two of them prioritized their children. Alexandra's main desire was to focus on caring for her children, rather than participating in courtly affairs or being in the public eye. After sincerely converting to Orthodoxy before her marriage to the Russian tsar-to-be, she viewed the Orthodox Christian faith as the center of her life, and she strove to instill the faith in her children. The family always attended daily services together, and, when they were eventually placed under house arrest, they continued to worship in their home, just as we are being called to do today.
The faith of the Romanov family supported them during incredibly trying times. Thus, they are an example to us as we face fear and uncertainty surrounding the corona virus. The saintly family clung to God, and He gave them strength even as they experienced the overthrow of their government and their confinement in Siberia. Ultimately, they understood that their execution was approaching, and they piously prepared themselves to go to the Lord.
The podcast has so much more to say about the example that this holy royal family has left to us. I was fascinated to learn the details of their life of faith. Their story was mostly new to me; I knew they were saints in the Orthodox Church, but I didn't really know why. I'm so glad to have become acquainted with them so that I can begin to know them as members of my spiritual family and ask for their intercessions.
Holy Passionbearers Nicholas, Alexandra, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexey, pray to God for us!

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